關於這個專欄 『花痴What's』

關於這個專欄 『花痴What's』


關於這個『花痴What's』專欄,主要是為了幫助各位花粉們解決配戴艸化飾品的疑難雜症,還有每月都會回答超過20 次以上的常見問題  ,也都可以在這邊得到令人安慰的解答(流汗)。剛開場先由我來打頭陣,接下來大家會陸續看到溫柔的阿禎老師、世界美麗的小編貝卡、甚至是艸化申哥等多個隱藏人物現身說法,所以大家可以不用擔心專欄會冷場,或是每次都是看我一個人雜唸啦哈哈哈!



Hi everyone! Welcome to our blog "花痴What's." This is the designer Kathy. (also known as the famous procrastinator and a naggy person) 

This blog is to help everyone deal with all the problems you might be wondering when buying or using our accessories, and also to answer the most frequently-ask questions. You might see not only me but also the workshop teacher Jane, and the most beautiful social media editor Rebecca, and other key people in Maison du Corsage studio. 

Please feel free to ask anything bothering you and hopefully all the problems can be solved!

At the very beginning, now it's the perfect time to join us and become our VIP members, and all you need to do is to own one of our accessories! The November every year is our homecoming season to gather all the Maison du Corsage members and having a very special treat and discount in all of our stores and online shops. Just don't miss out!

Thank you for being with us today and hope you have a lovely coming weekend!